Monday 29 March 2010


So, Easter time ey? Two weeks off uni and the chance to take my work load with me and go home to Sweden to see family and friends.
Yeah right!

This was the plan!
Mr Huggable and me in January. JANUARY!!!

Oh yes, I too was meant to go home to Sweden and see the guy I'm dating and maybe give my mother a little visit to say "hello how are you". But nooooo, I'm destined to be at uni with a lot of work to do and no one to go to sleep with at night thanks to lack of funding and the realisation that I sometimes tend to be followed by bad luck that I had a feeling would strike when overseas and my computer would fail where there's no university newsroom in sight to work in. So here I am.

What's the solution to this then?

This is!!!!

I don't care what any experts say. Comfort eating rocks! Especially when it's a chinese take away with so much sweet and sour sauce the artificial colours in it could re-paint the whole university.
The good thing is that it feels good until tomorrow morning when I wake up and feel like shit and I realise how good proper food makes me feel and I won't want any more shit food.
But still, it's in me now so thank God I'm playing squash in the morning and that in around five weeks time I will be back in Sweden.

But then again, is it so bad to fail? I have to live, don't I?


  1. FAIL!!!!! but... 5 weeks isn't a very long time... and you have your greasy takeout tubs to sleep next to in the meantime!!

  2. I do have my greasy tubs! And I will protect them with my life =)


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