Saturday, 17 April 2010

Why have sauce with the dinner when you can have dinner with the sauce?

In Sweden we have something we call ”fredaysmys” or ”Friday cosiness” for you.
The fact that we have an actual word for it may sound a bit silly but it's massive in Sweden so go there and say it and we'll all know what you're on about. Basically, it's the Friday night, the first night where you can sit with your family and stay up and eat and drink good and you don't have to worry about getting up the morning after.
There’s even a song about it

"Det finns en dag då man kan andas ut.
Man slipper chefens tjat & kommer hem till slut.
Since i move here all i do is mysa mys. (yes we do)
Det är dags för fredags mys, om det så är det sista jag gör.
Snart är det fredags mys. hoppas inte föräldrarna stör.
Nu är det slut på veckan, det är dags för fredags mys!

"There's a day when you can relax.
You don't have to hear the boss nagging and you get home on time.
Since I move here all I do is "mysa mys" (yes we do).
It's time for fredagsmys, even if it's the last thing I'll do.
It'll soon be fredagsmys, hope the parents won't disturb.
This is the end of the week, it's time for fredagsmys!"

So yeah as you may have guessed the advert is for crisps and that there's no fredagsmys without crisps.
But for us dieters it's all about doing the best of the situation.
So my "fredagsmys" treat last night was beef with cheese, hollandaise sauce and underground vegetables. A bit naughty but still within the limit of 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.

I love fredagsmys!


  1. Hrmpf, vad har jag sagt om att lägga upp din mat när jag är hungrig....

  2. Humorous song! I do think that you do need to compromise on diets... as eating the same foods constantly can be abit boring, especialy if its not that appetising. Nice way of varying the diet.


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