I was buying burgers the other day. Sainsbury's frozen 100% beef burgers...with 1.4 grams of carbohydrates in it.
Now something doesn't add up here. Oh yeah, it's the fact that 100% meat should contain as little as zero, nada, nil grams of carbohydrates. It probably wouldn't look at good but I'd prefer it if they wrote 99% beef burgers because it isn't a 100%.
After that I've made a habit of checking everything I buy, not assuming I know what's in the products because even if I know what should be in a packet of something there's nothing saying it actually is like that.
And it also makes me think about how different the nutrition values can be on the same product but from similar brands.
Sainsbury's Desiccated Coconut per 100 grams - 6.4 grams
Crazy Jack's Organic Desiccated Coconut per 100 grams - 8.2 grams
ICA's Organic Desiccated Coconut from Sweden per 100 grams - 1.5 grams (!!!) (no link unfortunately)
In this case it's not the carbs themselves that worry me, it's more the fact that what is supposed to be the same product in fact isn't.
And 100% beef burger should be 100% beef so why is the nutritional facts different on something that is supposed to be zero?
Hi, I think this is beacuse in Sweden they are not allowed to include the net carbs, i.e fibre while here they are ( laeste detta pa ifokus sa det aer samma producklt men olika redovisningar for vad som finns i)